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Stacks.js is an SDK with a collection of JavaScript libraries to interact with and transact on Stacks blockchain. On the Stacks blockchain, Stacks.js libraries are used to build, broadcast and sign transactions.

This page provides information on how to build applications using Stacks.js and other libraries that make integration of the Stacks blockchain easy for front-end developers.

Following are the three main integrations:

  • Authentication: Register and sign users in with identities on the Stacks blockchain
  • Transaction signing: Prompt users to sign and broadcast transactions to the Stacks blockchain
  • Data storage: Save and retrieve data for users with Gaia

All three of these integrations can be used together to create powerful new user experiences that rival or exceed those of traditional apps—all while protecting your users' digital rights.

While integration is possible for any type of app, the resources available here are for web developers experienced with JavaScript.


Use our prebuilt Stacks.js starter templates to kickstart your frontend application development with your preferred JavaScript framework.